
More than 150.000 hotels Worldwide, 2.800 hotels in Italy,
all with instant confirmation, selected for categories 3 to 5 stars.
Rates and availability are updated in real time so as to always
provide the best offer at any time.

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More than 150.000 hotels Worldwide, 2.800 hotels in Italy,
all with instant confirmation, selected for categories 3 to 5 stars.
Rates and availability are updated in real time so as to always
provide the best offer at any time.

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We have put together all the airlines in a single research and booking system.
With Gialpinet you can issue all the air tickets that your customers require.

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We have put together all the airlines in a single research and booking system.
With Gialpinet you can issue all the air tickets that your customers require.

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Over 500 a day! This is the number of rail connections that run
through our wonderful country.

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Over 500 a day! This is the number of rail connections that run
through our wonderful country.

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To give a complete service to your customers, we provide you
with the choice of a transfer service by private car. Whether you
want to transfer from the comfort of your home to the airport or
you want to be taken in comfort upon arrival at the airport or station
to your hotel.

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To give a complete service to your customers, we provide you
with the choice of a transfer service by private car. Whether you
want to transfer from the comfort of your home to the airport or
you want to be taken in comfort upon arrival at the airport or station
to your hotel.

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Museums and Excursions

In addition to booking hotels and other services you can also book admissions to much sought-after museums in Italy or add with a click, one of our excursions that will enhance the stay of your clients.

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Museums and Excursions

In addition to booking hotels and other services you can also book admissions to much sought-after museums in Italy or add with a click, one of our excursions that will enhance the stay of your clients.

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Dynamic Packages

In this way you can enjoy special rates which
are dedicated and reserved only for the formula in the package:
just choose preferred dates, perfect hotels for your customer
and the ideal mode of transport. Our system will do everything else,
giving you the best possible combined rates.

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